2008年6月20日 星期五
Try to make it more fun
這樣下去好像不是辦法, 學弟妹好像興致只有在1.5 case量左右, 好像有點低阿.. 可能是怕interpret錯誤吧, ㄟ 這裡的好處是又不打分數, 而且昨還完全不記得你們的ID vs name, 所以完全不會對你們有成見阿, 我講什麼也不代表我一定對阿, 只要你說的出道理, 我也很大方接受阿!!!這樣看起來原本計畫兩天的workshop可能搞個半天我就要投降了, 既然也有人提出說要有case要自己來闖 , 那就這樣好了, 從現在開始為了讓臨床和討論有所結合, 所以對於大五學生或者在外開業的, 有什麼有趣的臨床數據就寄信給我, 我再把他post在板上以供大家討論, This will be fun, dont you think so??
張貼留言 (Atom)
2 則留言:
Hey, Cindy! Support your view! We usually make a wrong assumption or insufficient differentials based on what-so-ever clinical data. Yet we improve only by trial-&-error.
There's some points to note:
1. For GPs like us, we can't do thorough diagnostic workups like institution and making the case not "complete". It's still good for practitioners but may be less useful for students. They need "theoretical" and thorough understanding of the clinical case management.
2. Can you teach me how to taking the photomicrograph well by "cheap" digital camera. We don't have state-of-the-art digital photomicrography. Fed up with the poor quality pic and I ever posted several unreadable pics to my tutor Dr Thrall and Freeman a year ago....:(
2. Have no idea